Wednesday, 26 December 2012
For Nada
I made this short film for one of the most interesting and beautiful people I know, my friend, Nada. Merry Christmas 2012.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Interview in Fjorde Magazine
This interview was part of a feature on sex work. to view the edition of Fjorde Magazine this appeared in click here
F: Why did you get into the industry? How old were you?
I was about 15 years old and it started when I was hanging out with other homeless queer young people and it was something we just did.
F: Do you have another job?
C: I work as a community drug educator for a primary health service.
F: Have you ever tried to leave?
C: A couple of times I’ve needed a break. It was pretty easy.
F: How did your loved ones react when you told them your profession?
C: My mum simply said, “Look you’re a grown up whose always been strong and made grown up decisions.”
F: How has being in the industry affected you mentally, spiritually?
C: This industry has taught me so much about what it means to be human, in our bodies and
what they are capable of. It’s taught me so much about sex and intimacy and emotion and
control. It’s given me an appreciation of the diversity of humanity and the fact that beneath
our clothes we are all equal but so different.
F: How does your work make you feel about yourself?
C: Work makes me feel empowered, strong and independent. It’s made me think positively about my body and its value beyond dollars.
F: How is your sexual life outside of work?
C: Pretty good. I’m in a long term relationship and sex is very different in that context and sex work has given me the opportunity to appreciate the difference between sex with someone you love and someone you don’t.
F: Although the number of clients and hired time is different, what is the average you make a night?
C: I might see 2-3 clients a week, which is enough to keep me comfortable and fits in easily around my day job and my boyfriend.
F: What is the weirdest thing someone has asked you to do, and did you do it?
C: This question assumes I would judge someone as weird. I am just not that judgemental.
F: How offensive do you find the word ‘prostitute’?
C: People who use the word prostitute either hate us or are ignorant. It says more about them than it does about me.
F: Working at night means this profession can be quite dangerous. Do you ever get scared?
C: No. As a sex worker you quickly learn how to be safe in whatever situation and how to avoid potential danger.
F: What is the most dangerous situation you have been in? And how did you get out?
C: The most dangerous situation I’ve been in was when a bunch of homophobic teenagers turned up with baseball bats on the street I was working on. All the sex workers gathered in the area around at the time and the teenagers weren’t expecting us to act as a community to protect each other.
F: What are your boundaries? Do you say no?
C: My boundaries are negotiated prior to the service and I say no by saying, “no”
F: Who is your typical/stereotypical customer? What do they ask for?
C: There is no typical customer - they’re all different with different needs and from different backgrounds.
F: Have you ever dated a client? Or fallen in love?
No. I feel that would be unprofessional.
F: How have your clients treated you?
C: My advertising pretty much lets my clients know that I’m intolerant of bullshit. They know they have to be respectful or they’re out.
F: If you had the chance to change anything, would you go down that same path?
C: Everything I’ve done has taught me so much. Sex work is the best job in the world, why would I change?
Friday, 5 October 2012
Chasing Tales- Without Listening to Sex Workers, You’re Going Nowhere
St Kilda Street Sex Workers Are
Migrating to Footscray and Dandenong!!!
Street Sex Workers Are Using
Social Media Is Putting Sex Workers At Risk!!!
Police Operations Are Having
Unwanted Consequences!!!
As I read through, the stench of bovine excrement almost
made my eyes water. The lay person may
have little option but to accept these statements as news but anyone familiar
with any of these issues would ask a few questions.
Firstly, street sex work doesn’t relocate itself to another suburb on the other side of town. Sex Workers don’t have a closing down sale
and put up signs telling their customers they’re moving shop; it’s not how
street sex work works. If there is street
based soliciting for the purposes of transactional sex in a particular area, it
is because individuals in that community do street sex work, there is not an
itinerant population of these workers who move en masse from one place to the
next like migrating wildebeest across the African savannah. Sure, there are common members of one
community of street based sex work and the next but to claim that this is a
single herd moving to a community near you is assuming the highly
questionable. I know this because after
spending almost nine years working with street based sex workers in St Kilda,
I’ve now worked with the marginalised of Footscray for a year and there is but
a tiny intersection between the two.
So why the assumption?
It’s more comfortable for people to think that sex work
doesn’t happen in their community.
“Surely everyone in my neighbourhood is law-abiding and
respectable. None of them would ever be
that desperate. I’m offended by the mere
thought of it…”
Sorry, but I have news for you: WE ARE SEX WORKERS AND WE
That’s right, we are there- in every neighbourhood, in every
community, in every family. In all likelihood, you know a sex worker but they
are so oppressed by social stigma that they have yet to tell you.
But back to street based sex work. Individuals who make the choice to do street
sex work exist in many communities. They
do so because they have to pay bills, feed children, make rent. Some may have drug and alcohol issues. Some may not.
Some may be experiencing homelessness.
Some may not. The reality of the
situation is that people are in need- sometimes dire need and for many, myself
included, making the choice to do street sex work is a way of meeting those
This is a bitter pill to swallow for many communities. It’s much easier to assume that street sex
workers must board a shuttle from planet Whore to our
neighbourhoods under the cover of darkness before disappearing as the sun rises. (I have to credit Janelle Fawkes for that metaphor) But the reality is sex workers are a part of
your community. Some of us go to
brothels to work, some of us wait by the phone for people to respond to our
advertising – and yes, some of us may work on the street.
Now I want to focus on the apparently innovative notion that
sex workers may be using smart phone apps to do sex work.
Well Duh. Of course
in any form of social media that people use to create opportunities to meet
people for sex, the potential for sex work to happen is there. It’s not rocket science. But to imagine that there is an exodus of sex
workers from the street into cyberspace is a tad fanciful (I'm imagining them boarding this magical shuttle again). Of course, some resourceful sex workers may
explore as many opportunities to do sex work as possible but apps as an
alternative to the street? Really? I doubt it.
For one, it’s hard to work on apps- believe me I have
tried. These apps are used for sex-
their creators are hyper aware of the potential for these programs to be used
for sex work- and because a number of them were created in the United States,
where sex work is highly criminalised, it is always stated (or at the very
least heavily implied) in the terms and conditions of use for these apps that
you can’t use it to do sex work. Further,
these apps are internally moderated- if you are explicitly soliciting other app
users for money, your profile’s going to get shut down pretty quickly. Look, using apps to successfully do sex work
is a painstakingly slow and tenuous process. I’m not going to say it’s impossible
but as a viable alternative to street sex work, where sex workers have
immediate and quick access to clients- I don’t think so.
The other tell that gives away the cheese is the claim that
apps “could be taking [sex workers] to more dangerous areas for work.” Clearly,
the person claiming this hasn’t used these apps. There is absolutely no reason
why using new technology to do sex work is going to present more or less risk
than anyone else using apps to get laid. Appeals to safety are clichéd but I guess that’s
what you say when you’ve got nothing useful to contribute.
So why the claim?
It’s a tasty little sound bite, isn’t it? You hadn’t thought
of it, had you? Interesting? Perhaps. Titillating? Sure. But the ultimate
function of this MacGuffin is to make its speaker seem like they know what they’re
talking about. But upon examination we can see what this claim is: utter rubbish.
And what can we learn from this.
When speaking about street sex work there are a number of
stakeholders, the article is made up of quotes from a welfare worker, the
police, a lawyer. But where are the
voices of street sex workers?
There is a fact that is almost always overlooked in the
seemingly endless search for the answers to the questions of what to do about
street sex work- there have been thousands of people who have experienced
street sex work. Some of these people
have ceased sex work, some continue and have transitioned from the street to
other ways of sex working. This is a rich
resource- perhaps the most effective in coming up with ways of responding to
the issues associated with street sex work yet it is NEVER drawn upon. Not a single person employed at RhED has this
knowledge- not one. Without this
experience informing practice, any response is a mere shot in the dark.
The police are quoted in this article as saying, “We might
be creating things that we haven't thought of yet.” And yet the article
pontificates on a couple of unlikely hypotheses. If you want to read about some of these
ACTUAL consequences, I discuss them in an
article that appeared earlier in the week in the Port Phillip Leader.
There are enough issues to resolve within street sex work
before making up a bunch of rubbish to deal with. Without listening to the voices of sex
workers- particularly street sex workers- we’re just going to be asking the
same questions over and over again.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Police putting St Kilda sex workers at risk
21 Sep 12 @ 09:06am by Dana McCauley
Original Article here:
Police launched operation nocturne on Carlisle st. recently
THE STATE'S peak body for sex workers has slammed the police crackdown on street prostitution in St Kilda.
Vixen Victoria spokesman Christian Vega said violence against sex workers statistically increased after police operations in red light areas.
"It sends a message that sex workers are an easy target," Mr Vega said. "Perpetrators think 'she won't go to the police'.
"When social stigma reaches such an extreme level, people don't recognise the humanity of these people."
He said sex workers were forced into risky situations when the men who visited them became paranoid about getting caught.
"When clients are targeted, it puts the pressure on them to get in and out of St Kilda quickly," Mr Vega said.
"Previously, they would wind down the window and have a conversation."
But when police presence was high, he said, workers were more likely to jump in the car and be driven to another location.
"Once they're in an unfamiliar area away from the other sex workers, it maximises the opportunity for violent crime," Mr Vega said. "It's really dangerous."
He said workers could be more likely to agree to unsafe sexual practices when clients were scarce.
Police have increased their street sex work operations in the past month, targeting "kerb crawlers" during Operation Nocturn and both sex workers and clients during Operation Biscuit.
Vixen Victoria spokesman Christian Vega said violence against sex workers statistically increased after police operations in red light areas.
"It sends a message that sex workers are an easy target," Mr Vega said. "Perpetrators think 'she won't go to the police'.
"When social stigma reaches such an extreme level, people don't recognise the humanity of these people."
He said sex workers were forced into risky situations when the men who visited them became paranoid about getting caught.
"When clients are targeted, it puts the pressure on them to get in and out of St Kilda quickly," Mr Vega said.
"Previously, they would wind down the window and have a conversation."
But when police presence was high, he said, workers were more likely to jump in the car and be driven to another location.
"Once they're in an unfamiliar area away from the other sex workers, it maximises the opportunity for violent crime," Mr Vega said. "It's really dangerous."
He said workers could be more likely to agree to unsafe sexual practices when clients were scarce.
Police have increased their street sex work operations in the past month, targeting "kerb crawlers" during Operation Nocturn and both sex workers and clients during Operation Biscuit.
Friday, 31 August 2012
International Overdose Awareness Day Speech
So this is an address I made at work on the 31st of August, 2012
I think of overdose and Overdose Awareness Day, I think, I am truly
It’s unusual for me, I’m not at all religious or spiritual. All of the
pain, all of the sadness, the people I miss- and yet I am able to find
comfort and today I thought I might share why.
I am blessed.
not because my life has been drug free- it has not. If we are to
challenge stigma,
as this day of remembrance strives to, then one cannot remain closeted-
so I say before you now, without guilt or shame, that yes, drugs have
played a role in my life. I do not condemn or encourage the use of
drugs but I can say the experience of using drugs;
the hard times it has seen me through, the people who have been there
along the way, the lessons I have learnt about senses, about my body
about my place in the world- I am truly grateful for.
But that is not why I feel blessed today.
is it because I have been fortunate enough to evade overdose- I have
not. Things
go wrong, we are not perfect people who do things perfectly and drug
use is no perfect process. I count myself as very lucky- the
circumstances were such that I survived and people looked after me.
Upon reflection of my overdose I realise that, life is precious,
our bodies are wonderfully forgiving and to be there for each other is a
humbling source of strength and life.
But still, that’s not why I feel blessed today.
today I feel blessed because I remember the gift of many friends,
friends who are
no longer with me. For me, despite the stereotypes, to be part of a
community of people who use drugs has been a blessing. These friends
were strong, talented, bright and beautiful spirits, who, through some
twist of fate, crossed my path, gave me something
very special and enriched my life in a way I couldn’t put into words.
And though there have been many funerals I have attended and many
funerals I was not invited to, to remember our loved ones, I feel truly
is a day to remember the ones we have loved and the ones we have lost.
This might
be the first time you have been able to do this but we gather here
today to tell you that you are not alone. The silver badges we wear
signify the profound loss of someone cherished and are a symbol of
understanding, of condolences and – when we wear them
together as a community- they are a symbol of solidarity.
But remembering is not the only blessing of the day.
friend of mine, Sally Finn, and NSP worker in St Kilda, began Overdose
Awareness day
back in 2001. At the height of heroin deaths, I was homeless in St
Kilda. Yet Finn and others reminded me that yes, we are important to
each other and that those of us who can, have a responsibility to not
only remember but to contribute to the bettering
the lives of our fellow community members. I feel truly blessed
because I have been given the opportunity to honour the memory of my
friends through the work I do today.
The service I work for has had a number of service users pass away in the past year from drug
overdoses and they - like those before them- will be remembered on Overdose day and remain in our hearts into the future.
well as being a special time to remember our friends, Today is an
opportunity to
honour their memory by being aware of the importance of overdose
prevention. Over the past month, Harm Reduction Victoria, our state
drug user association, has facilitated workshops to teach drug users the
skills to not only recognise but respond to overdose.
We do this to remind those of us who remain and still use drugs to be
careful and to instil in each and every current and former drug user
that, yes, you matter, that we value you as a member of our community
and that you can make a difference. I believe
it is not said enough, but as a representative of my team I would like
to say, we believe in you, we are proud of you.
thank you for participating in this year’s Overdose awareness day.
Please stay and
share some food with us and remember those we have lost by placing a
star on our memorial board, lighting some incense or burning some prayer
paper. Again, thank you all for being here today. That you are here
with me today is truly a blessing.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
The Hypocritical Victimisation of Asian Sex Workers in Victoria
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Monday, 13 August 2012
ABC Radio: Fair Work blitz on sex industry clerical work
Listen here:
MARK COLVIN: The Fair Work Ombudsman is conducting a blitz on Victorian brothels. The campaign will focus on clerical employees in the industry, rather than sex workers.
The Victorian Sex Industry Network has cautiously welcomed the announcement. But it's warned the Ombudsman's office not to get caught up in a moral witch hunt.
Rachel Carbonell reports.
RACHEL CARBONELL: The Fair Work Ombudsman plans to audit about 100 brothels in Victoria, mostly in Melbourne but some in regional Victoria too.
Craig Bildstein is a director with the Ombudsman's office.
CRAIG BILDSTEIN: Each year we run between 5,000 and 7,000 targeted audits so it may be the hospitality sector, could be the cleaning industry, it could be the retail sector. Or in this latest case in Victoria it's the sex industry. But in particular our focus is on the clerical workers, the licensed brothel managers and the receptionists.
RACHEL CARBONELL: Craig Bildstein says it's possible clerical workers in the sex industry may be more reluctant than others to speak out about poor working conditions.
CRAIG BILDSTEIN: It's put to us that a large number of clerical workers in this industry would be female. They'd probably be young women. They're most likely from a non-English-speaking background. They probably have a limited professional and personal network which may be restricted to the industry.
I guess in other words they might be reluctant to rock the boat for fear of jeopardising their employment. So it's important for us to come in and ensure that the employers in these premises do understand their lawful obligations and to remind the staff that there is an employment regulator that can assist them if they are concerned.
RACHEL CARBONELL: The Fair Work Ombudsman is also concerned about sham contracting.
CRAIG BILDSTEIN: The suggestions that have been made to us at the moment is that some brothel owners are requiring their business managers for example to have an ABN and take on the position as contractors.
So obviously we're concerned to ensure that sham contracting is not in play in these premises so we'll be apprising the operators of the modern award, the Clerks-Private Sector Award 2010 and obviously the National Employment Standards.
RACHEL CARBONELL: But some in the sex industry are concerned that the clerical award isn't necessarily the best fit for those in the clerical part of the sex industry.
Christian Vega is a spokesperson for VIXEN, the Victorian Sex Industry Network.
CHRISTIAN VEGA: What I would caution is that there is this assumption that, yes the managers and receptionists do perform a clerical function but that is a small subsection of the skill set and knowledge base that is required to perform their role effectively.
We're talking about people who are in effective control of a workplace, quite often in late hours of the night, dealing with a clientele that can be unpredictable, that can be intoxicated. You know, these are not just normal admin office workers.
RACHEL CARBONELL: Christian Vega says some clerical workers in the sex industry are reluctant to speak out about poor pay and working conditions is because of the stigma attached to the industry and the moral judgements that are often made about it.
CHRISTIAN VEGA: The part that I guess I have concerns about is that whenever somebody does any sort of accountability or investigation into the sex industry, there is this automatic assumption that because things aren't running as they should do, there is either a criminal or an exploitative element that's present there. It has the potential of turning into a bit of a witch hunt.
RACHEL CARBONELL: But he says overall he's hopeful the Ombudsman's investigation will be positive.
CHRISTIAN VEGA: This investigation is a step towards decriminalisation and what that means is treating our industry just like any other industry. I think there should be, there needs to be a frank, open, objective discussion about working conditions in our industry.
And I would urge the Fair Work Ombudsman to actually look at the impact of stigma, you know, stigma that our industry faces on actual working conditions and the impact that it's had on things like reporting, you know, substandard work practices or pay conditions that aren't up to scratch.
MARK COLVIN: Christian Vega from the Victorian Sex Industry Network ending that report from Rachel Carbonell.
The Victorian Sex Industry Network has cautiously welcomed the announcement. But it's warned the Ombudsman's office not to get caught up in a moral witch hunt.
Rachel Carbonell reports.
RACHEL CARBONELL: The Fair Work Ombudsman plans to audit about 100 brothels in Victoria, mostly in Melbourne but some in regional Victoria too.
Craig Bildstein is a director with the Ombudsman's office.
CRAIG BILDSTEIN: Each year we run between 5,000 and 7,000 targeted audits so it may be the hospitality sector, could be the cleaning industry, it could be the retail sector. Or in this latest case in Victoria it's the sex industry. But in particular our focus is on the clerical workers, the licensed brothel managers and the receptionists.
RACHEL CARBONELL: Craig Bildstein says it's possible clerical workers in the sex industry may be more reluctant than others to speak out about poor working conditions.
CRAIG BILDSTEIN: It's put to us that a large number of clerical workers in this industry would be female. They'd probably be young women. They're most likely from a non-English-speaking background. They probably have a limited professional and personal network which may be restricted to the industry.
I guess in other words they might be reluctant to rock the boat for fear of jeopardising their employment. So it's important for us to come in and ensure that the employers in these premises do understand their lawful obligations and to remind the staff that there is an employment regulator that can assist them if they are concerned.
RACHEL CARBONELL: The Fair Work Ombudsman is also concerned about sham contracting.
CRAIG BILDSTEIN: The suggestions that have been made to us at the moment is that some brothel owners are requiring their business managers for example to have an ABN and take on the position as contractors.
So obviously we're concerned to ensure that sham contracting is not in play in these premises so we'll be apprising the operators of the modern award, the Clerks-Private Sector Award 2010 and obviously the National Employment Standards.
RACHEL CARBONELL: But some in the sex industry are concerned that the clerical award isn't necessarily the best fit for those in the clerical part of the sex industry.
Christian Vega is a spokesperson for VIXEN, the Victorian Sex Industry Network.
CHRISTIAN VEGA: What I would caution is that there is this assumption that, yes the managers and receptionists do perform a clerical function but that is a small subsection of the skill set and knowledge base that is required to perform their role effectively.
We're talking about people who are in effective control of a workplace, quite often in late hours of the night, dealing with a clientele that can be unpredictable, that can be intoxicated. You know, these are not just normal admin office workers.
RACHEL CARBONELL: Christian Vega says some clerical workers in the sex industry are reluctant to speak out about poor pay and working conditions is because of the stigma attached to the industry and the moral judgements that are often made about it.
CHRISTIAN VEGA: The part that I guess I have concerns about is that whenever somebody does any sort of accountability or investigation into the sex industry, there is this automatic assumption that because things aren't running as they should do, there is either a criminal or an exploitative element that's present there. It has the potential of turning into a bit of a witch hunt.
RACHEL CARBONELL: But he says overall he's hopeful the Ombudsman's investigation will be positive.
CHRISTIAN VEGA: This investigation is a step towards decriminalisation and what that means is treating our industry just like any other industry. I think there should be, there needs to be a frank, open, objective discussion about working conditions in our industry.
And I would urge the Fair Work Ombudsman to actually look at the impact of stigma, you know, stigma that our industry faces on actual working conditions and the impact that it's had on things like reporting, you know, substandard work practices or pay conditions that aren't up to scratch.
MARK COLVIN: Christian Vega from the Victorian Sex Industry Network ending that report from Rachel Carbonell.
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Supporting the Human Rights of Sex Workers: Sex Party Policy- And Damn Proud of It!
By Christian Vega, Sex Worker, Secretary of Victorian branch of the Australian
Sex Party
Aristotle wrote, “To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing,
be nothing.” Conversely, when one has much to say one must be prepared for an
Such has been the fate of the Australian Sex Party in the
aftermath of the 2012 Melbourne by-election. Having been denied a win
that was thought to be in the bag, the Victorian Greens have been indignant and
rather than take time for some critical self reflection, the party and its
supporters has sought to blame everyone else for their loss, targeting the
younger and much smaller Sex Party in particular.
Megan Tyler, anti-sex
industry colleague of senior Greens member, Kathleen Maltzahn, has joined the
tirade (Political party or
lobby group? The dark side of the Australian Sex Party,
From the headline it’s clear her position, she doesn’t much like
the Australian Sex Party. It’s a strange question to ask: Political Party or Lobby Group? Could this question not be asked
of any political party? To support the interests of a part of the community-
isn’t that what all political parties do? Perhaps she thinks we are somehow
![]() |
One of the Sex Party Campaign pamphlets |
Well that’s sort of true. Identified as best practice for
human rights throughout the world by international
public health bodies as well as Australian sex
workers themselves, decriminalisation of the sex industry is a worthy enough goal
that the Sex Party would, of course, adopt it as policy.
Supported by evidence, upholding human rights, promoting civil liberties, good
health outcomes and social justice, I am proud to be a member of a party that
would make such a stand. The centre of the Sex Party’s very being though? Now that is a stretch. The decriminalisation of sex work is no doubt
an important policy, but to call it the centre? Hmm. Perhaps if one is obsessed with the sex
industry one may fail to notice the range of other policy areas that have
shaped the Sex Party’s identity- Anti-Censorship, Equality and
Anti-discrimination, Drug Law Reform- hall marks of our civil liberty platform
that were around much earlier than our sex work policy.
Tyler portrays decriminalisation of sex work as “basically end the criminalisation of all
forms of prostitution and make them free from any special government
intervention,” and “legalisation means regulation and the sex
industry would rather have free rein to boost its profits.”
This is a fallacy anti-sex work lobbyists often use: to equate
decriminalisation with deregulation when the two are entirely different.
To clarify- decriminalisation is the removal of criminal codes related to sex
work. This does not mean that all activities under the label of sex work
are allowed to happen; advocates for decriminalisation are not asking for the
sex industry to operate “free rein.” Decriminalisation
is not an attempt to legitimise crime; child sexual exploitation and rape would
remain illegal under the current criminal code.
It is an approach that seeks to clarify the distinction between acts
that are clearly unacceptable and those that are legitimate. It is a system
that has been introduced into New Zealand and more recently in Canada; the
outcomes of adopting such an approach are clearly outlined in
research: greater enablement of sex workers to exercise choices that
make them less vulnerable, greater empowerment of sex workers to seek justice
in instances of violence and other crimes , the number of sex workers remained
stable and in the case of some street sex working sectors- had actually
reduced. Tyler and her ilk (those that
have built a career that hinges on the perception that all sex workers are
victims) must ignore this legitimacy in order for their position to hold.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for the decriminalisation of sex work since 2008 |
Tyler claims, “Patten
helped make the real aims of the party quite clear in the lead-up to the
election when she claimed that the ASP didn’t attempt a preference deal with
the Greens because of concerns about an “anti-sex feminist element” in the
That is an interpretation built on an inaccuracy. Firstly, the Sex Party did attempt to contact
the Greens to talk preferences, as written in the Herald Sun and
acknowledged by at least one Greens volunteer, “maybe [it’s] the
Greens fault for not picking up the phone.” While it’s our concern
that the anti-sex feminist compulsions may have prevented the Greens from engaging
with us- and ultimately contributing to their defeat- it hardly defines the
“aims of the party.”
Again, Tyler’s attempt to be coy is rather feeble “The “anti-sex” slur was most likely just a
veiled reference to Kathleen Maltzahn, who served as a Greens local councillor
in Yarra and stood as a Greens candidate in the 2010 Victorian state election.”
Even Maltzahn’s Wikipedia page
doesn’t beat around the bush: “The Australian Sex Party have accused her of
being an "anti-sex campaigner” and preferenced Labor ahead of the Greens
in the election for the seat of Melbourne on July 21 2012 which caused The
Greens narrow loss." The tensions between the Sex Party and Kathleen
Maltzahn first began to influence the political relationship between the two
parties during the state election in 2010.
During a radio interview on Joy 94.9, Maltzahn declared her preferences-
even though they had yet to be finalised.
Perhaps it should have been expected but the supposed feminist had
preferenced the only other female candidate last- perhaps it was because of
that candidate’s status as a sex worker, perhaps it was because she was the Sex
Party’s candidate. Either way, Maltzahn-
and by extension, the Greens- had sent a signal that they were not interested
in working with us.
Tyler continues to sing her colleague’s praises, “Maltzahn is also a prominent
anti-trafficking campaigner and founder of Project Respect... Part of its
vision is given as “a world where there is no longer demand for prostitution.”
Now, why wouldn’t a sex industry lobby group be happy with that?”
What Tyler fails to mention is that sex workers themselves
reject the position of Project Respect.
To quote the Scarlet
Alliance, the Australian Sex Workers Association, “It
was reported in a May 2004 Lateline interview that Project Respect, a Victorian
NGO, had called for the re-criminalisation of the sex industry as a way of
addressing what the Government refers to as the trafficking of women for the purpose
of sexual servitude. These and other anti-sex work views have had a harmful
impact on sex workers in Australia. However the anti-sex work lobby has been
increasingly using the issue of trafficking to hide their broader agenda of
making all sex work illegal.” Organisations such as Project Respect and Tyler’s
CATWA are part of the ‘Rescue Industry’, a whole sector of NGOs who gain their
funding through the portrayal of sex work as victimising and exploitative.
Their positions often hijack supportive and harm reduction based responses for
moralistic/abolitionist ones. The
Australian Sex Party believes that front line workers in the industry must be
listened to in order to implement policy that is both informed and would
support their human rights. It’s clear
that Tyler does not agree.
![]() |
The Sex Party's Robbie Swan |
“That the commercial
interests of the sex industry might occasionally clash with the pursuit of
civil liberties, or other important things – like say, gender equality – is
apparently unthinkable.” Yet another tired strategy used by
anti-sex work moralists, positioning civil liberties against gender equality-
as if the two are somehow incompatible. Tyler
fails to recognise the efforts made by the Sex Party regarding gender equality,
it is party policy to promote greater inclusion of women in government, to
strengthen current equal opportunity legislation and fight discrimination where
it currently exists.
Claims, “The Australian discussion around
the sex industry exists largely in a bubble where liberal notions of choice
reign supreme.” If only this were true.
Unfortunately, in the state of Victoria, the law is pretty clear (Sex Work Act 1994,
Section 17 subsection 3): “A person must not publish or cause to
be published a statement which is intended or likely to induce a person to seek
employment as a sex worker; or in a brothel or with an escort agency or any
other business that provides sex work services” In addition to prohibiting
businesses from advertising for workers, this law also prohibits the
distribution of information about working in the sex industry. This means that the information that would
help people make an informed choice about working (or even not working) in the
sex industry is not currently available. For many of us, sex work is a choice
but clearly it is not the dominant ideal, to claim that this notion “reigns
supreme” is more than just a little exaggerated.
writes: “This creates an unusual climate
where it is thought that, to be progressive, you must be sympathetic to an
industry that principally relies on the buying and selling of women.”
Placing aside the rancid and disparaging characterisation that sex work is the “selling
of women” (as opposed to the consensual trade of services provided by workers
of all genders sexes and sexualities), what’s so unusually progressive about
supporting people whose rights are being trounced every day? This is another
attempt to conflate supporters of sex worker rights with proponents of
exploitation, if you want to see similar examples of this one only needs to
look back to a time when support for gay rights was touted as promoting
“Elsewhere in the world, however,
socialists, social democrats and other social progressives are moving towards
understanding prostitution as a form of violence and as a barrier to women’s
equality. In terms of legislation, this is epitomised by the Nordic Model,
which criminalises the buying of sexual services, but decriminalises selling” Tyler
is speaking about legislation that was adopted in Sweden. By saying “social progressives” I’m wondering
if she is referring to writers of not only this policy, but the policy of sterilisation of
transgender people seeking gender reassignment surgery, the
sterilisation of people with a disability and the zero tolerance
approach to drug use. Yeah, real
![]() |
Swedish academic, Petra Ostregren opposes the Swedish Model |
“Earlier this year, for instance, the
Kirby Institute at UNSW released a report on the sex industry in New South
Wales, which claimed that the difference between the Nordic Model and full
criminalisation (often favoured by conservative political regimes) may be
“largely illusory”.” At this point of her piece, Tyler reveals much about the
approach one must take in order to stand in a tenuous position as she
does. Clearly, one has to ignore a
highly respected academic body has conducted evidence based peer reviewed
research in order to commit to a position that oppresses sex workers. This “pre-scientific” approach is often
adopted by sex work prohibitionist and is well documented.
“It also trotted out the tired claim that
criminalising the buying of sexual services automatically positions “sex
workers as victims”.” Actually, the most significant portrayers of “sex workers as
victims” were the policy writers to first put together Tyler’s beloved ‘Nordic
Model’. This re-emerges the Swedish
government’s evaluation of the abolition of sex work: “[Sex
workers] describe themselves as having chosen to prostitute themselves and
don’t see themselves as being involuntarily exposed to anything. Even if it’s not forbidden to sell sex, they
feel hunted by the police. They feel as
if they’ve been declared incapable of managing their own affairs in that their
actions are tolerated, but their will and choices are not respected. Further, they believe it is possible to
distinguish between voluntary and forced prostitution… (These) negative effects
of the ban that they describe can almost be regarded as positive when viewed
from the perspective that the aim of the law is to combat prostitution.” So basically the Swedish model says that sex
workers’ sense of stigma, being hunted down and lack of respect are good things,
a means to an end. And Tyler wonders why
such a framework is derided in Australia.
“Assertions such as these continue to
fuel an odd situation in Australia. If, when talking about prostitution, you
raise issues of exploitation or structural inequality – traditionally hallmarks
of Marxist analyses – you get accused of being a right-wing moralist.” No
Tyler, no one is calling you a moralist because of your views on equality and
human rights, we call you a moralist because you are not willing to apply these
to sex workers. The policies she
advocates for are demonstrably harmful towards women, she would rather see us
without rights, without protection in an ineffective effort to stamp us out,
regardless of the cost.
“But perhaps this
constant bias shouldn’t be surprising in a country where the sex industry not
only has its own political party but has also managed to con a bunch of
academics, among others, into voting for it.”
Let’s look at what is clear- there are two sides of the debate-
pro-sex work and anti-sex work.
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Fiona Patten, Speaking at a rally for sex worker rights earlier this year |
On the other hand, the
Victorian Greens have not been as transparent.
When Kathleen Maltzahn was pressed on radio during the 2010 state election
campaign about her party’s stance on sex work she denied her party had any,
despite her party’s website clearly stating it will “end the
criminalisation of consensual adult sex work.”
Perhaps this omission was an innocent oversight or perhaps it indicates an
awareness of the tension within the Greens, that such moralistic conservatism
is best covered up- after all it did just cost them valuable support that could
have secured them a win in the Melbourne by-election. So what’s it going to be Victorian Greens-
Are you pro- or anti- sex workers?
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