This interview was part of a feature on sex work. to view the edition of Fjorde Magazine this appeared in click here
F: Why did you get into the industry? How old were you?
I was about 15 years old and it started when I was hanging out with other homeless queer young people and it was something we just did.
F: Do you have another job?
C: I work as a community drug educator for a primary health service.
F: Have you ever tried to leave?
C: A couple of times I’ve needed a break. It was pretty easy.
F: How did your loved ones react when you told them your profession?
C: My mum simply said, “Look you’re a grown up whose always been strong and made grown up decisions.”
F: How has being in the industry affected you mentally, spiritually?
C: This industry has taught me so much about what it means to be human, in our bodies and
what they are capable of. It’s taught me so much about sex and intimacy and emotion and
control. It’s given me an appreciation of the diversity of humanity and the fact that beneath
our clothes we are all equal but so different.
F: How does your work make you feel about yourself?
C: Work makes me feel empowered, strong and independent. It’s made me think positively about my body and its value beyond dollars.
F: How is your sexual life outside of work?
C: Pretty good. I’m in a long term relationship and sex is very different in that context and sex work has given me the opportunity to appreciate the difference between sex with someone you love and someone you don’t.
F: Although the number of clients and hired time is different, what is the average you make a night?
C: I might see 2-3 clients a week, which is enough to keep me comfortable and fits in easily around my day job and my boyfriend.
F: What is the weirdest thing someone has asked you to do, and did you do it?
C: This question assumes I would judge someone as weird. I am just not that judgemental.
F: How offensive do you find the word ‘prostitute’?
C: People who use the word prostitute either hate us or are ignorant. It says more about them than it does about me.
F: Working at night means this profession can be quite dangerous. Do you ever get scared?
C: No. As a sex worker you quickly learn how to be safe in whatever situation and how to avoid potential danger.
F: What is the most dangerous situation you have been in? And how did you get out?
C: The most dangerous situation I’ve been in was when a bunch of homophobic teenagers turned up with baseball bats on the street I was working on. All the sex workers gathered in the area around at the time and the teenagers weren’t expecting us to act as a community to protect each other.
F: What are your boundaries? Do you say no?
C: My boundaries are negotiated prior to the service and I say no by saying, “no”
F: Who is your typical/stereotypical customer? What do they ask for?
C: There is no typical customer - they’re all different with different needs and from different backgrounds.
F: Have you ever dated a client? Or fallen in love?
No. I feel that would be unprofessional.
F: How have your clients treated you?
C: My advertising pretty much lets my clients know that I’m intolerant of bullshit. They know they have to be respectful or they’re out.
F: If you had the chance to change anything, would you go down that same path?
C: Everything I’ve done has taught me so much. Sex work is the best job in the world, why would I change?